MMR Vaccine Update

Dear SBP Families,

With the news of the measles outbreak in Texas, we have understandably received an increasing number of calls and messages regarding measles and the MMR vaccine. Measles is a very contagious but vaccine preventable disease.

There are no cases of measles in Connecticut, and the state has high vaccination coverage (97.7% of kindergarten students were reported to be up to date during the 2023-2024 school year). Currently, the CT Department of Public Health in accordance with the CDC, recommends MMR vaccine at the usual times and intervals, unless you are traveling abroad to higher risk areas.

As per CDC guidance, MMR vaccine dose #1 is given at 12-15 months of age. MMR vaccine dose #2 is given at 4-6 years of age.

If you are traveling abroad where measles infection is of concern, the vaccine may be given as early as 6 months, and dose #2 as early as 28 days after the first dose.

  • For more information about measles, click here.
  • For more information about the measles vaccination and the MMR vaccine, click here.
  • As per CT DPH and the CDC, all U.S. residents 6 months or older without evidence of immunity who are planning to travel internationally should receive MMR vaccine prior to departure. For more specific guidance related to travel, click here.

Sound Beach Pediatrics has been committed to providing our patients with timely vaccinations since we started in 2016. We are dedicated to protecting our families against vaccine preventable disease. It has always been a top priority.

We will keep you informed about any important changes in the coming weeks and months.

Very best,

The Sound Beach Pediatrics Team


RSV Immunization (Beyfortus) Update

We are excited to offer Beyfortus (RSV immunization with preventative antibody) this year, starting the first week of October.

RSV immunization is recommended for pregnant women (Abrysvo) and for infants (Beyfortus) ~ please see this helpful CDC link for more general information.

Specific CDC guidance on Beyfortus, including criteria for immunization, can be found here.

The State of CT has assured us that we will have sufficient supply for all infants younger than 8 months and those infants 8 to 19 months who meet specific criteria for Beyfortus over the RSV season.

However, the state is shipping Beyfortus to us in small batches.

In accordance with the guidance from Yale Pediatric Infectious Disease expert Dr. Thomas Murray, we will be providing Beyfortus with our first priority being the youngest infants and those with specific high-risk medical conditions (outlined by the CDC), as these babies are at greatest risk for more severe disease and complications.

We will contact you when your infant can receive Beyfortus in our office, based on the prioritization list.

It is recommended that all pregnant women receive the RSV immunization (Abrysvo) when available, as guided by their doctor. Infants born to mothers who receive the RSV immunization may still need to be immunized with Beyfortus.

If you are expecting a new baby in the coming months, we recommend your infant receive Beyfortus in the hospital shortly after birth.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!

Dr Olivia and Dr Caro

Welcoming TWO New Pediatricians!

Happy Summer to our SBP Families! We hope you are enjoying summer camp, beach time, swimming, and vacationing, and that you and your children are having fun.

Many new families have joined Sound Beach Pediatrics in the last few years, most often through direct referrals from our existing patients and families. (Thank you!) One of our most important challenges has been to find just the right pediatricians and staff to support our growing practice. Sound Beach Pediatrics is thrilled to announce that in our search for one new pediatrician, we found TWO outstanding physicians to join our team! 

Dr Caro and Dr Olivia

Dr Caro & Dr Olivia

Dr. Carolina Pombar will start in September. Originally from Argentina, “Dr. Caro” is fluent in Spanish and comes to us from Mt. Sinai in NYC with many years of pediatric experience. Dr. Caro will bring not only her professional expertise, but also her dynamic, creative and high-energy spirit. She is passionate about pediatric medicine, patient education, and community outreach. She has lived in Riverside with her husband and two young children (ages 7 and 9) since 2020 and is active in our community.

Dr. Olivia Devillers will start at the end of October. Born in Paris and educated in the U.S. and Israel, “Dr. Olivia” completed her pediatric residency in NYC at Montefiore in July with rave reviews from her preceptors and mentors. Dr. Olivia is excited to begin her career in pediatrics here at SBP. She is bright and eloquent, and she has a warm, calm spirit that we believe our families will appreciate. She and her husband have a 1-year old daughter and are excited to move to Stamford this summer and to be a part of this vibrant community.

All of us at SBP are eager to welcome our new physicians this fall, and are so grateful to have found such wonderful pediatricians to be a part of our group. Both physicians look forward to meeting you all. As always, we are so grateful that you have entrusted the care of your precious children to us!


Dr. Katy and The Sound Beach Pediatrics Team

Happy 8th Birthday Sound Beach Pediatrics!

Sound Beach Pediatrics just hit our 8 year anniversary!

We are so grateful for our wonderful team, and especially thankful for the precious families we care for every day!


Happy Spring!

Happy Spring to all of our SBP Families!

We are excited for spring and summer, and look forward to seeing your children for well visits in the coming months. We are all ready for warmer weather, sunshine and spring flowers … and to say goodbye to winter viruses!

There is no sweeter reminder to book your child’s well visit than this photograph of one of our own adorable patients, who recently dressed up at preschool as a Sound Beach Pediatrics doctor!*

A few reminders!

  • You can book your child’s well visit online, right on our website ~ hit SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT button in green!
  • You can book “same day sick visits” online in the same way, Monday through Friday, starting just after midnight.
  • Walk-ins remain a popular option on Monday mornings only, 7:45am-10:00am… no appointment needed!
    • Exception: A Monday Holiday (when office is closed) will be followed by a Tuesday walk-in offering instead.
  • Saturday appointments (acute medical problems only) are booked by phone only, with appointments available 9:00am-12:00pm.
  • As always, you can submit appointment requests through our patient portal, or call us at (203) 363-0123.
  • Please review our simple process for health forms (daycare, school & camp)! We can provide your completed forms digitally through the portal (within 7 days of your request).

Thank you as always for entrusting your children to us… caring for your family is a joy and privilege!


Dr. Katy & The Sound Beach Pediatrics Team

*photograph shared with permission by parents (thank you!)

RSV Immunization

Sound Beach Pediatrics is excited to offer the new RSV immunization!


Nirsevimab (Beyfortus) is a monoclonal antibody product that can protect infants and some young children from severe RSV disease.

Please read the following information below, taken directly from the CDC website, which provides the strict inclusion criteria for immunization. You can book your infant’s appointment online (through our website), or by calling our office.

We will provide the immunization to any infant who is eligible and have ample supply from the State of CT. In the first few days, our top priority will be to provide the immunization to our oldest 7 month old infants who are approaching the 8 month mark (at which point they will no longer be eligible).

If you have questions about whether or not your child is eligible for the immunization after reading the following, please reach out to your provider through our patient portal. Thank you!


Who should get nirsevimab?


  • Nirsevimab is recommended for infants younger than 8 months of age who were born during or are entering their first RSV season if
    • The mother did not receive RSV vaccine during pregnancy.
    • The mother’s RSV vaccination status is unknown.
    • The infant was born within 14 days of maternal RSV vaccination.

Most infants whose mothers got the RSV vaccine don’t need to get nirsevimab, too.

  • Some infants and young children 8 through 19 months of age who are at increased risk for severe RSV disease should receive nirsevimab shortly before the start of their second RSV season:
    • Children who were born prematurely and have chronic lung disease
    • Children with severe immunocompromise
    • Children with cystic fibrosis who have severe disease
    • American Indian and Alaska Native children

Children who should get nirsevimab but have not yet done so may get nirsevimab at any time during RSV season.

How is nirsevimab administered?

Nirsevimab is administered as a shot into the thigh muscle. Only a single dose (i.e., one shot) of nirsevimab is recommended during an RSV season.

Who should not get nirsevimab?

Children 8 months old and older who are not at increased risk for severe RSV disease should not receive nirsevimab.

Except in rare circumstances, most infants younger than age 8 months do not need to get nirsevimab if their mothers got the RSV vaccine at least 14 days before delivery.

Infants and children with a history of serious allergic reactions to nirsevimab or any of its components should not get nirsevimab.

Infants and children with bleeding disorders such as hemophilia should get nirsevimab. But, as with all shots given into a muscle, parents should notify their child’s healthcare provider so additional precautions can be taken. 

Infants and children who have a moderate or severe acute illness usually should wait until they recover before getting nirsevimab. Your child’s healthcare provider may decide to postpone giving nirsevimab until a future visit when your child feels better. Children with minor illnesses, such as a cold, can receive nirsevimab.



Dear SBP Families,

FALL IS IN THE AIR! We are excited to share some important updates and reminders!

  1. FLU CLINICS ARE HERE! Flu shot appointments can be booked online right from our website! Click on the upper right green “SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT” button, which will bring you to our scheduling site.
  2. NEW HOURS FOR MONDAY MORNING WALK INS: Effective October 2, 2023, Monday Morning Walk Ins will run from 7:45 AM to 10 AM with ALL of our Monday doctors seeing patients to help with expected increased demand.
  3. TUESDAY – FRIDAY MORNING SICK APPOINTMENTS: Early morning same day sick appointments can be booked online right from our website! We are doing this to help our families book sick appointments easily BEFORE OUR OFFICE OPENS and before your family’s school or work day begins. (These same day appointments open up at 12:01 AM).
  4. WELL VISITS: A reminder that well visits can also be booked online from our website!
    • Our portal is intended for non-urgent, straightforward medical questions.
    • Our physicians and clinical staff will advise you when a formal appointment (telemedicine or office visit) is needed to address your child’s needs.
    • All urgent matters should prompt a phone call to our office (and a true emergency should always prompt calling 911).
    • Please click here to find more information on how to use our patient portal.
  6. SCHOOL & DAYCARE HEALTH FORMS: Most forms are now available digitally on our portal shortly after your child’s well visit. For more information click here.
  7. RSV VACCINE: We are excited about this new FDA-approved option, and will let you know when it is available at SBP. To learn more, click here for guidance from the CDC, and click here for helpful information from Yale.

Please check out our SBP Resource Page (which includes our Medication Dosage Calculator)! We’ve added some great new links and information for your family!

Thank you for entrusting the care of your children to us. It is a privilege and a joy for all of us at SBP!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy Fall 2023!

Dr. Katy & The Sound Beach Pediatrics Team

Child helping his sister with her mask

Updated Office Workflow

We are currently seeing a surge of sick patients right now, and a surge in COVID19 infections in parallel with what we are seeing across the nation. There are numerous changes in CDC guidelines, and schools and daycare centers in the community are updating their protocols. Sound Beach Pediatrics has also updated our workflow. We remain steadfast in our goal to provide outstanding health care to our families, while simultaneously protecting our patients and our staff from COVID-19 disease transmission.

Office hours remain the same:

  • Monday-Friday: 7:45 am-5:00 pm (closed for lunch 12:30-1:30)
  • Saturdays: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
  • Sundays: closed

Appointments can be scheduled during regular business hours.

All visits:

  • One parent or caretaker per child per visit. We currently allow an exception for newborns through 7 weeks, for both parents to attend.
  • No siblings allowed unless he or she is also being seen for an appointment (ie. double check up, double sick visit). Exceptions made only in urgent circumstances with provider approval.
  • Masks required for all children 2 years and up and all parents and caretakers.
  • Please complete Phreesia Digital Check In prior to your appointment. This includes the COVID19 screening questionnaire.

Well care:

  • Your child must be well and without recent COVID19 exposures (ie. not in quarantine). Please provide honest answers to our COVID19 screening questionnaire to ensure everyone’s safety.
  • All children must be healthy to come to a “face to face” well visit – no fever, no cough, no vomiting/diarrhea. If your child has any symptoms of illness, or COVID19 exposures, please let our front staff know so we can reschedule your well visit.
  • In certain instances, children with mild symptoms of illness (mild nasal congestion) who need a well visit urgently may be seen on the South Side in full PPE, at the discretion of the pediatrician.
  • We encourage children who require vaccinations to come into the office to receive immunizations.

Sick patients:

  • Please call upon your arrival to the parking lot.
  • You will be brought back to an exam room as quickly as possible, to keep the numbers of patients and family members to a minimum.
  • Sick patients will be seen on the South Side. These visits will take place in designated “sick rooms” by providers in full PPE, separately from our well patients.
  • No walk-in visits at this time.
  • Laboratory testing and referrals to the ER will be made as appropriate.
  • For a true emergency, call 911 and go directly to the Emergency Room.

Patients with a known COVID19 exposure or suspected COVID19 infection will be seen initially through a telemedicine visit. We refer these patients to Greenwich Hospital (or Stamford Hospital) for drive up testing. We ask for your understanding as we balance individual patient demands, office safety, and ongoing volatile fluctuations of the pandemic in our community.

Patients with a history of recent COVID19 infection should have a telemedicine visit with us 7 days after the positive test. If our physicians have any concerns, or you would like your child to be seen in our office, we will arrange an in office-visit for your child at the appropriate time.

In addition:

  • Medical advice and medication refills are provided through telemedicine visits​​.
  • Portal messages will be answered generally within 24-48 hours, Monday through Friday.
  • Please call us for urgent matters.
  • Please reserve after hours calls for true emergencies and urgent health matters.
  • As always, please call 911 for a true emergency.

We remain vigilant in ensuring your safety. We remain committed to following recommendations outlined by the CDC, AAP and Yale.

We will continue to make adjustments as the demands of the pandemic continue to change this summer, and into fall and winter. We will keep you informed. All of us at Sound Beach Pediatrics are here to help support your family in the coming months as we face the challenges of the pandemic with you.

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